Sometimes the key is to look for bruising either immediately or within the first few days. If there is bruising this could indicate tendon involvement. This is because there is a better blood supply to tendons vs ligaments.
The ideal speed of the treatment has to be dictated by the grade of sprain or strain sustained. Grade 1 sprain the fibres all remain intact however they are stretched past the normal and that's how the damage occurs. Grade 2 some of the fibres have been separated so it is considered a partial tear and in a grade 3 there has been a complete separation or rupture in the ligament or tendon. For obvious reasons the grade 1 is much easier and faster to treat and return to sport.
The ideal speed of the treatment has to be dictated by the grade of sprain or strain sustained. Grade 1 sprain the fibres all remain intact however they are stretched past the normal and that's how the damage occurs. Grade 2 some of the fibres have been separated so it is considered a partial tear and in a grade 3 there has been a complete separation or rupture in the ligament or tendon. For obvious reasons the grade 1 is much easier and faster to treat and return to sport.